Mandatory Commercial Recycling – It’s The Law!
As of July 1, 2012, California requires all businesses that generate four (4) or more cubic yards of garbage per week and multi-family dwellings with five (5) or more units to recycle.* The specific statutory language for the law (Assembly Bill 341) can be found in the State’s Public Resources Code: PRC Division 30, Part 3, Chapter 12.8, Section 42649. Download the AB 341 brochure here.
Businesses include, but are not limited to:
- Office buildings
- Retail
- Restaurants
- Non-profits
- Strip malls
- Government offices
- Schools
Multi-family dwellings include:
- Apartments
- Townhomes
- Condominiums
The purpose of the law is to REDUCE:
1) Garbage sent to landfills and 2) Greenhouse gas emissions
*San Carlos businesses and multi-family dwellings with two (2) cubic yards or more of garbage service per week must comply with the City’s mandatory commercial recycling and organics ordinance.