
AB 341: Mandatory Recycling

Mandatory Commercial Recycling – It’s The Law!

As of July 1, 2012, California requires all businesses that generate four (4) or more cubic yards of garbage per week and multi-family dwellings with five (5) or more units to recycle.* The specific statutory language for the law (Assembly Bill 341) can be found in the State’s Public Resources Code: PRC Division 30, Part 3, Chapter 12.8, Section 42649. Download the AB 341 brochure here.

Businesses include, but are not limited to:

  • Office buildings
  • Retail
  • Restaurants
  • Non-profits
  • Strip malls
  • Government offices
  • Schools

Multi-family dwellings include:

  • Apartments
  • Townhomes
  • Condominiums

The purpose of the law is to REDUCE:

1) Garbage sent to landfills and 2) Greenhouse gas emissions

*San Carlos businesses and multi-family dwellings with two (2) cubic yards or more of garbage service per week must comply with the City’s mandatory commercial recycling and organics ordinance.


Compliance is easy through the Business Services available through Recology San Mateo County!

Recycling collection services in the blue Recycle Cart or Bin are provided at NO additional charge if you subscribe to garbage collection services. Recycling has never been easier! Simply contact Recology to set up service or answer any questions.

And if you are already recycling – thank you!

Other Compliance
In addition to having recycling services services provided by Recology, customers can also self-haul the recyclables or arrange for their pickup.