
Finance Committee Meeting

San Carlos Library Conference Room A/B 610 Elm Street, San Carlos, CA, United States

Redwood City Compost Giveaway

Redwood City Public Works 1400 Broadway, Redwood City, CA, United States

Located at the Public Works Parking Lot. For Redwood City residents only and not for commercial use.  Residents may take compost at no charge as long as supplies last. Residents […]

Foster City Shred Only Event

Foster City, City Hall Parking Lot 610 Foster City Boulevard, Foster City, CA, United States

Located in the Foster City – City Hall parking lot. For Foster City residents ONLY. On-site secure shredding. MAXIMUM 3 standard size banker boxes (10″x 12″x 15″) per household. Shred event lasts until the time listed or until the truck is full, whichever comes first. This is a SHRED ONLY event: Electronic waste recycling is available […]

Foster City Compost Giveaway

Boat Park 1001 Bounty Drive, Foster City, CA, United States

Located at the corner of Foster City Boulevard & Bounty Drive. For Foster City residents only and not for commercial use.  Residents may take compost at no charge as long as […]

Burlingame Compost Giveaway

Burlingame Parks Yard 420 Carolan Avenue, Burlingame, CA, United States

Located at the Burlingame Parks Yard near the grandstands. For Burlingame residents only and not for commercial use. Residents may take compost at no charge as long as supplies last. […]

City of San Mateo Shred & E-Scrap Recycling Event

Beresford Park 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo, CA, United States

Located in the Beresford Park parking lot. On-site secure shredding and e-waste recycling. For City of San Mateo residents ONLY. For Shred events: MAXIMUM 3 standard size banker boxes (10″x 12″x 15″) per household. Shred event lasts until the time listed or until the truck is full, whichever comes first. For E-Scrap, accepted items include: TVs, computers, […]

Finance Committee Meeting

San Carlos Library Conference Room A/B 610 Elm Street, San Carlos, CA, United States