Most residents in multi-family dwellings (apartments or condominium complexes with five or more units) will have compost, recycling and garbage services available, unless the property has been waived from the requirement for compost services.
RethinkWaste or its contractor may be in your neighborhood throughout the year assessing your carts/bins. RethinkWaste is only looking for proper sorting and may leave outreach on your carts/bins with helpful tips and information on how to sort properly. Contact us with questions.
Recycling Buddy Bags
Recycling Buddy Bags are available to residents of multi-family complexes at no additional cost and to make recycling more convenient. These can be used by residents to collect their recyclable in their home and then emptied into the centralized Recycle Cart/Bin.
Kitchen Pails
If your complex subscribes to the Compost collection program, then Recology will provide each tenant with a free 2-gallon kitchen pail to use in your home for convenience. Simply use the pail for scraps in your home then empty the contents into your complex’s central Compost Cart/Bin. The pail does not get set out for collection. Contact Recology if you need to order a replacement kitchen pail.
You can use newspapers, paper bags and paper towels to line the kitchen pail or collect your food scraps. You can also use compostable bags to line your kitchen pail and to collect food scraps. The bags must be approved as compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) and can be found at many retail locations.