RethinkWaste is excited to celebrate educators, staff and faculty, students, and other members of the school community who go above and beyond their normal, everyday responsibilities to increase waste reduction on campus!
Teachers, school administrators, custodial teams, yard duty staff, parent volunteers and engaged, enthusiastic students all play important roles in building a clean, healthy, more environmentally friendly place to learn. RethinkWaste is proud to work with and support these stellar individuals and teams!
Please browse our gallery of Honor Roll members, but contact RethinkWaste for inquiries about photo release permissions.
Dr. Farrington (Principal) and friend, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Dr. Farrington (Principal) with students, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Green Team members modeling trash pickers, Our Lady of Mount Carmel RethinkWaste staff performing training, Our Lady of Mount Carmel RethinkWaste staff, Margarita (Custodian), and Reyna Oceguera (Recology San Bruno Peninsula Services), Fair Oaks Community School Chappell (Custodian) and RethinkWaste staff, Hoover Community School Green Team members ready for lunch, Redwood Shores Elementary Green Team members demonstrating their enthusiasm for sorting, Redwood Shores Elementary Students soring their lunches, Redwood Shores Elementary Green Team members monitoring bins, Fair Oaks Community School RethinkWaste staff and Guillermo (Custodian), McKinley Institute of Technology Oscar (Custodian) and RethinkWaste staff, Redwood Shores Elementary Ray (Custodian), Arroyo Elementary School Green Team celebration with RethinkWaste staff, Baywood Elementary