
Trash To Art Contest – Class

Class Category Contest Guidelines

  • Participants must be 3rd-5th grade classes in the RethinkWaste service area*.
  • The art piece must be made by a class or school group (NOT by individual students). Adult supervision is required, but adult assistance should be kept to a minimum.
  • 90% of the art piece must be made from everyday items that were destined for the recycling or landfill bin. No compost or hazardous materials, such as batteries or e-waste.
  • Artwork may be any art medium: sculptures, collages, murals, etc.
  • Artwork should not exceed 3 ft. x 3 ft.
  • Artwork must meet the following criteria: can stand alone and is able to be moved by an individual.

*RethinkWaste service area: Belmont, Burlingame, East Palo Alto, Foster City, Hillsborough, Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, parts of unincorporated San Mateo County, and the West Bay Sanitary District

Class Submission Instructions

  • Completed Contest Submission Form (below) must accompany contest submission.
    • Remember to leave your completed submission form with your project!
  • Submissions are due by Friday, March 29th at 4 p.m. to the to the Shoreway Environmental Center located at 333 Shoreway Road, San Carlos CA 94070 (open Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.). Please park in the visitors parking lot (Gate 2) and bring your artwork upstairs to the “Rethinker Room.” If you are unable to access the facility, please email or call 650-802-3508.
  • Winning art pieces will be announced by Friday, April 5th.
  • All winners will be recognized publicly at the RethinkWaste Earth Day Event on Saturday, April 27th at the Shoreway Environmental Center.
  • If selected as a winner, we ask that at least one representative from your class be present to receive the Earth Day Recognition.
  • Remember to leave your completed submission form with your project!


1st Place: Field Trip to Local Museum or Art Studio
Honorable Mention: Pizza & Dessert Party

View examples of previous years’ Trash To Art Contest winning submissions here.


Submission Form ENGLISH (please print and attach to art piece)

Submission Form SPANISH (please print and attach to art piece)