

All visitors are strongly recommended to wear a face covering and observe all local mandated physical distancing measures and mask guidelines while on site.

The Shoreway Environmental Center is located in the City of San Carlos, California. The facility receives solid waste and recyclables hauled by the general public, contractors and franchised collection vehicles servicing RethinkWaste Member Agencies. Materials are consolidated and loaded into large transfer trailers for shipment offsite to the Ox Mountain Landfill and to recycling facilities for construction and demolition waste and organic materials.

Public entrance to the Shoreway Environmental Center is through Gate 1 at 333 Shoreway Road, San Carlos for all areas of the facility.


Public Recycling Center is open

Note: The buyback portion of the Public Recycling Center (PRC) remains closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For alternate local buyback locations, please visit RecycleStuff.org.

Address: 333 Shoreway Road, San Carlos, CA 94070

Phone: (650) 802-8355

Public Hours of Operation:
Monday – Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day

The PRC continues to accept for free drop-off (residential waste only) the following items listed below.

  • Batteries (household and car)
  • Cardboard
  • Cell phones
  • Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)
  • Cooking oil (home generated only, up to 15 gallons)
  • Electronics (computers, computer monitors, TVs, copiers, faxes, VCRs and other consumer electronics)
  • Fluorescent light tubes (household only, up to 6 tubes, must be less than 6 feet)
  • Latex & oil-based paint with original labels (up to 10 gallons)
  • Scrap metal
  • Small appliances (items with a power cord that do not contain fuel, batteries, or refrigerants)
  • Sharps/Needles (must be in sealed container)
  • Used motor antifreeze (up to 10 gallons)
  • Used motor oil (up to 15 gallons)
  • Used motor oil filters

Transfer Station is open

The Transfer Station accepts household and business solid waste, clean green waste and wood, appliances*, auto and truck tires, concrete and asphalt and like materials, clean fill dirt, mixed demolition debris, and other non-hazardous materials and items.

Address: 333 Shoreway Road, San Carlos, CA 94070

Phone: (650) 802-8355

Public Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day

*Refrigerant units accepted only with certification of Freon removal.

Rates are charged by the cubic yardage, by ton or per unit. Acceptable forms of payment include: Cash, Business Checks, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards with a Visa/Mastercard Logo. No personal checks.

Customers who have recyclable items for drop-off at the Public Recycling Center will be directed by scale house staff to the Public Drop-Off area.

View the Rate Schedule for a list of acceptable materials and fees.

The following items are not accepted:

  • Hot Ashes
  • Sealed Containers
  • Animal Waste
  • Aerosols, including spray paint
  • Dead Animals
  • Liquid Waste or Sludge
  • Radioactive or Reactive Materials
  • Any Type of Hazardous Waste

Please contact the San Mateo County’s Household Hazardous Waste Program at (650) 363-4718 for proper disposal of hazardous waste.